Wednesday, April 10, 2013

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Term 1 Goals Andrew

Term 1 Goals 

  1. To use a more exiting range of words in my writing.
  • I practice at home with emails and letters.
  • I reread my writing and change the words.
  • I created a word bank at the back of my writing book.

      2.                                          To learn my 6 and 12 times tables off by heart.
  • I got a times table sheet.

      3.                                                  Being responsible for others at school.
  • Helping others out and keep them out of trouble.
  • Telling on the if they are doing something bad.
  • Picking up their clothing and giving it to them.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Inquiry Day Four

One magical day at Burnham School we were thinking about our lame garden and how we were going to make it completely !MAGICAL!. After that we were all put into groups. But everyone wanted to do the fundraising even I did, because I like coming up with ideas, but when it came to going off and getting the ideas all our minds went completely blank so we didn't get many things down on the piece of paper, Miss Sweeny was not amused. So next we went on the iPads and got some amazing ideas like sell a student for a slave for a day, sell pinecones and stuff we made at technology and mufti day the ones we agreed on were mufti day technology sale and sell a student for a slave for a day. Now that we had chose those ideas , we had to go and sit down an listen to Miss Shinn.

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fundraising group

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

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